Tarot Card Reading by Video or Phone Call
43,00 €
Tarot is one of the tools I use to seek deeper insight from Spirit. Sometimes all that’s needed is a quick two-card pull to help bring clarity around different choices. Other times, it helps to ask the cards what a certain outcome might look like compared to another. Either way, I’m happy to read them for you.
Tarot is one of the tools I use to seek deeper insight from Spirit. Sometimes all that’s needed is a quick two-card pull to help bring clarity around different choices. Other times, it helps to ask the cards what a certain outcome might look like compared to another. Either way, I’m happy to read them for you.
During this 1 - 3 card pull (depending on your question) we will ask Spirit to give you the insight you need to answer your question and move forward in confidence. There will not be any back and forth conversation or coaching, but a simple explanation of how the process works, an invitation for you to ask spirit your question, and an interpretation of the cards pulled. You do not need to share your question for spirit with me prior to the reading.
The call is best done on video so you get the full experience, but you must have facetime, skype, zoom, or duo for video calls.
Once you purchase, you'll get a link to the calendar to schedule your reading.
I can't wait to see what Spirit has to tell you. <3